Marina Krivoshlykova

Global Practice Leader for Private Sector Development

Marina Krivoshlykova is the Global Practice Leader for Private Sector Development at DAI, based in Washington, DC. She has over 15 years of experience in international economic development specializing in industry competitiveness, value chain development, end market analysis and enterprise development. Since joining DAI in 2002, she worked in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa on design, implementation, management and impact evaluation of private sector development projects.

Marina Krivoshlykova

Global Practice Leader for Private Sector Development

Marina Krivoshlykova is the Global Practice Leader for Private Sector Development at DAI, based in Washington, DC. She has over 15 years of experience in international economic development specializing in industry competitiveness, value chain development, end market analysis and enterprise development. Since joining DAI in 2002, she worked in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa on design, implementation, management and impact evaluation of private sector development projects.