Jamshed Buzurukov
Isfarafud Ltd. Tajikistan
Jamshed Buzurukov, Director of Isfarafood Ltd., nuts and dried fruits production company. He graduated from the Institute of World Economy in Moscow and was a postgraduate student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Mr. Burzukulov was a manager of Almet Company and a financial director of Deloza Trade in Russia. Since his appointment as a Director of Isfarafood the export volume has grown 10 times. Previously Isfarafood exported products only to Russia. Over the past five years, the geography of the company's exports has expanded to Belarus, Kazakhstan, the USA, Latvia, Australia and Canada. Isfarafood expanded the range of export products and implemented international food safety standards. Currently Isfarafood produces organic dried fruits and has a corresponding certificate. Isfarafood annual participant of various international exhibitions.